Compassionate Inquiry

Compassionate Inquiry (CI) is a therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Gabor Maté, a renowned physician and addiction specialist. It combines various elements of traditional psychotherapy with mindfulness and compassion-based practices to explore and heal the underlying emotional and psychological issues that contribute to emotional challenges.

Compassionate Inquiry (CI) encourages individuals to engage in mindful exploration of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. This process entails a profound and compassionate examination of one's inner world, free from judgment or self-criticism. It acknowledges the influence of past traumas on an individual's present state of well-being and assists in the recognition and resolution of unresolved trauma that could be playing a role in their current challenges.


IFS® represents a transformative approach that views every individual as a system composed of protective and wounded inner parts, all guided by a core Self. This perspective embraces the idea that the human mind is inherently multiple, akin to members of a family, with inner parts taking on distinct roles that may not always align with their true essence. The Self, at the core of this system, remains untouched and possesses the wisdom to facilitate healing.

The primary aim of IFS® is to aid individuals in accessing and healing their protective and wounded inner parts, ultimately fostering inner and outer connections. By helping individuals connect with their Self, IFS® enables them to comprehend and address these inner aspects.

IFS therapy can be used to address a wide range of emotional and psychological issues, including trauma, addiction, anxiety and depression. It is often used to explore and heal unresolved emotional wounds from the past and to promote self-compassion and -acceptance.


Schema therapy is a therapeutic approach designed to address schemas, a clinical term referring to patterns of thinking and are believed to originate during childhood, particularly in cases of emotional neglect where a child’s needs were unmet or not being taken care of.

The central concept is the "schema," which can be understood as a deep-seated, enduring pattern or theme that develops early in life, often during childhood or adolescence. These schemas represent core beliefs and assumptions about oneself, others, and the world. Schemas are typically negative and dysfunctional, stemming from early experiences of unmet emotional needs or trauma.

Schema Therapy offers a comprehensive and integrative approach to address the root causes of psychological difficulties by targeting deeply ingrained schemas and modes. It helps individuals develop a more adaptive, healthier way of relating to themselves &  others, leading to improved emotional well-being &  enhanced quality of life.


Psychedelics-assisted therapy is an emerging therapeutic approach that combines the use of substances or plants that contain psychoactive components in combination with psychotherapy in a controlled environment to facilitate deep exploration of one's inner world to promote emotional healing,

There is scientific evidence indicating promising potential for easing symptoms linked to various mental health conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance use disorders. Studies suggest that even just one guided psychedelic session could result in significant and long-lasting improvements in mental health and well-being.

Psychedelics have the potential to enable profound emotional release and foster insight into past traumas, emotions, and thought patterns, thereby assisting individuals in the process of fully acknowledging and letting go of emotional distress.

The experiences induced by psychedelics result in an increased level of self-awareness and introspection. Individuals may attain a more lucid comprehension of their own thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, which can be highly beneficial for fostering personal and spiritual growth and self-actualisation and self-enhancement.